First off, let me start by saying...I'm so, so sorry about the lack of posting over the last couple of weeks or months. With all the holidays that have came and gone and all the traveling we have been doing, and all the sickness that we have overcome so far this year. So now hopefully, everything can get back on track again and I can get back in the routine of keeping the blog updated. Maybe, after seeing this cute little face, you can forgive me, Yes, I'm trying to bribe you into reading my blog again..
So I was thinking there is no way, I can possibly give updates or pictures on every little thing one post at a time, (because I'm too far behind) we have done in the past couple of months, so I'm going to try on this post to put up several pictures with little stories about them, so you might see several of these kind of post in the future.

Update on Aunt Pam, Uncle JoJo and baby Weston: Time is getting close. It seems we may get to hold our precious new nephew and cousin sooner rather than later. Weston's due date is February 22nd, but more than likely he is not going to wait that long. Aunt Pam has been on a pill that is supposed to help stop contractions (not really working) she was in the hospital a couple of weeks ago, due to pre-term labor. The Dr.s are taking her off of that medicine at the end of the week since she will be 36 weeks. Please keep Aunt Pam and Uncle JoJo and Weston in your thoughts and prayers, as the time draws nearer and pray that little Weston will be healthy and the delivery will go well, when the time comes. According to the Dr. Weston is already down and ready to come out (he probably is in a hurry and so excited and ready to come out and play with his cousin, Jolee) She is ready to meet him that's for sure! Aunt Pam has been taken off of work and has gotten to that horribly uncomfortable stage of not sleeping and can't get comfortable no matter sitting, standing or lying down, (so you know she is in need of your prayers)!
Jolee rubbing and talking to Baby Weston at the baby shower the church had for her.
Uncle JoJo and Aunt Pam at the couples baby party we had for them in December!When we were in Bama a couple of weeks ago, Pappy and Uncle JoJo took Jolee out for a ride on the golf cart around the farm and she LOVED it! She laughed and moo-ed at all the cows when they past them, every time they would slow down she would say more and do the sign for it. So to say the least she had a wonderful time at home with the Fam!
Also while we were in Bama, Jolee desperately needed a haircut. It was looking a little mullet like again. There was no way I was going to do it, so I finally talked Granna into cutting it (she kept insisting on waiting till I got back and letting Amber cut it again since she cut it the 1st time, but it was really looking rough and couldn't wait)! Granna did a great job on it, and Uncle JoJo did a great job at keeping her occupied while Granna was cutting it, he fed her a Popsicle!

This picture was taken on my Birthday last week. Granna and Pappy were down and we had a really great week all being together. I'm usually the one taking the pictures, so it was nice to have a picture taken of me and my girl together!

We had a wonderful Christmas. Jolee got tons and tons of stuff.... Dora Power Wheel, a shopping cart, a car (you know the red and yellow one), Dora table and chairs, Baby Dolls, Clothes, Blocks, all kind of toys, etc, etc! The biggest surprise was the kitchen Granna and Pappy gave her, they actually re-did my old kitchen for her (the one I had when I was little). I'm talking new doors, new paint, new sink, new oven eyes, new knobs, it also came with a toaster, coffee maker, and pots and pans, dishes and silverware. I mean when it was awesome when I had it, but now WOW!
Isn't it so modern and sleek looking? I love it! And she adores it, she plays with it all the time!
Uncle JoJo and Aunt Pam got her a Dora 4-wheeler for Christmas. When she opened it, she climbed right on it and was excited, and we were all shocked. Then she mashed the button to make it go... and she has not gotten back on it since... until last week. We had tried and tried to get her on it, but that was not happening. Pappy's 1st day here last week, she was on it within 10 minutes of him trying and talking it up to her.

She now loves it and rides it all the time! If the weather doesn't get warmer soon, my walls are going to have to be painted!
We got some hand-me-down toys recently from our cousin Abbie, that she is in love with. This is her playing with the Dora Talking House, it is really cool, and she LOVES it! Thank you Abbie!
When Granna and Pappy were down last week, we did some winter cleaning. I'm talking cleaned out closets, organized garage, pantry, cabinets, cleaned out toy room and organized, deep cleaned the house. Painted stuff. I'm talking 2 huge list that I had made, were checked off and done while they were here. Thank God, for Mom and Dad, because I literally could not have done all of that with out them.
One of the projects in the toy room was taking down all the baby toys to make room for all of her new toys we got for Christmas. We tried to do it during her naps, so she wouldn't get upset, but we got caught one day. She woke up and came in there but all she wanted to do was help us, she watches and mimics everything. So she picked up a screwdriver and started working (well kinda, you know what I mean).

I know that this was a very long post, but don't you feel a little more caught up in our lives now? Hope you enjoyed it!
**I love reading your comments, so those of you who read it and don't leave me a comment, lets start the year off right. All you have to do is click on the comment button in small print right after the post and follow the directions, make sure to put your name, so I will know who it's from) Look forward to hearing from you all!**