My baby girl has turned 4! How in the world, has 4 years gone by since giving birth to my preemie of 5lbs 3 oz. no hair little girl. You never really truly understand when people say, enjoy them while there young, because they will grow up way too fast. And poof you have them and it really happens, way to fast!!!
She has really grown up this year and especially the last couple of months. She helps with laundry, she gets her stool and puts the clothes in the washer and dryer and then can't wait to help fold them and she does a really good job. I was getting ready for church a couple of weeks ago and she hollered in there... mom is it ok, if I go ahead and start folding these clothes in this basket? She loves to help me cook, she dresses her self and picks out her own clothes, and she loves to help with Brennan. She always picks out his towel and washcloth before baths, if you ask her for a favor, such as can you get me a burp cloth hun or a diaper...her reply... sure I can, mom!
My all time favorite thing, is the love she has for her little brother. You can see it all over her face when she talks about him or to him. She loves to hold him, sing to him, talk to him and if he is in the swing and the music stops, she automatically will stop what she is doing and say ok Brennan, I will turn your music on for you buddy. She talks baby talk to him and that is hilarious. When he cries, she is the first one to him. If he is screaming, she can always calm him down, by singing Twinkle, Twinkle to him. She is truly a wonderful Big Sister and a little Mama to him. And I know he is only 12wks old, but you can tell the love he has for her already. When she is talking, even if he is eating, he will jerk that head around and try to find her and she is already getting smiles from him! I pray the love between them only grows deeper, as time goes by!
She is a precious little girl and I am so blessed that the Lord saw fit to bless my life with her. I just pray that I am raising and leading her in the right directions. She is starting VPK this year and will go 2 days a week and the letting go part is really hitting home for ole mom (as I'm typing, yes I'm crying AGAIN) but I know she will love it and blossom even more from the experience and she is soooooo excited! And even though I can't be with her, when she is at school I know someone that IS and WILL be with her!
The whinyness has drastically reduced! If you tell her something and the answer is..no, she says ok and walks away. If she ask something, and the answer is no...same thing, ok and that's it!!
She is going to bed all by herself these days, I tuck her in and she says... please turn my light off and shut my door, so I can sleep better. She is using the potty, without her Dora cushion on it (and that is huge)! I tell ya, she has really grown up! And the questions, she asked...wow is all I can say! She is a very smart, sweet, and a hilarious girl who keeps us laughing all the time!
I asked her to answer a few questions for me, about her favorite things. Her answers are below:
favorite color: pink
favorite number: 4
favorite restaurant: Chuck E Cheese
favorite drink: coke, tea, and yoohoo
favorite food: chicken
favorite place to shop: WalMart
favorite place to go: Library
favorite friends to play with: Abby, Emma, Carrigan, Camdyn, Timothy, Boo, Katie, Kyrie, Caytlin and her list kept going.
favorite song: twinkle, twinkle and Giddy on up, Giddy on out (and yes she knows the words and sings loudly and wants to hear it over and over)
favorite church song: Holy, Holy, Holy
favorite princess: Belle
favorite TV show: Caillou and Max and Ruby
favorite movie: Toy Story 2
favorite thing to play with at home: Barbies
favorite animal: horses and butterflies
favorite candy: suckers
favorite flower: rose
favorite rose color: pink
favorite thing to wear: dresses
favorite thing to sleep in: night gowns
favorite things to sleep with: Handy Ba Dandy, Jesse, and Woody
favorite person: mom and of course Brennan (but after we read this to dad, she changed it to her whole family! I told ya, she was smart)
Happy 4th Birthday Jolee!
Mommy Love's You!
I can not believe she is 4. I still remember the first time ever meeting you guys and the little baby she was. We love you guys!!
So. I have to ask. Did you spell Caillou without haveing to look it up? :)
Happy Birthday Jolee!
would like to smell and taste her pussy,and drink her warm pee, yummy!
Ilove her I bet her pussy feels tight
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