(The hospital gown of course swallowed him)
I thought we were through with hospitals (or for a while at least), but I was proven wrong this past week. I had been really concerned about Brennan's breathing lately, the more I watched him, the more I realized he was working harder than normal to breath. Let me back up a minute, he has been extremely chuggy sounding for a couple of weeks, which people through out it could be because it was allergy season, reflux, etc. He had no other symptoms, but this week something with his breathing started changing, his head would bob, he was retracting, his nose would flare sometimes and after a couple of comments from others (Sherri and Amber) I knew he needed to be seen immediately!

When the Dr. came in the room, she couldn't take her eyes off of him. She shared my concern about his breathing and sent us straight to the Children's hospital! Long story short we went, they did x-rays and blood work (which did not make him happy) the diagnosis was made that he had an infection in his right lung..pneumonia! I will spare you the details about the hospital and all that went on there, the important thing is... they finally diagnosed him and he is now on some antibiotics.
They say you always learn stuff through trials, here is just a few things, I have learned during this...always go with your gut (something was wrong with my son and I knew it), listen to your friends (which by the way, Amber should open up her own office, she diagnosed him way before the ER did), and in a scary situation remember who gives you PEACE and lean on HIM! In the hospital room as I sat there holding him, as I prayed and cried thinking about how scary of a situation we where in at the moment, and didn't know what was wrong that someone (you know who you are) goes through these trials and struggles daily with her son. I couldn't imagine!
So please be in prayer for Brennan as he recovers from pneumonia and be in prayer for the parents and children that go through scary and unknown trials on a daily basis!
We are praying for that beautiful baby. Uncle B
Your family is always in our thoughts and prayers. We love you!!
We are sorry to hear about a new hospital visit, but glad to hear all is BETTER. Glad your a praying momma. love ya
tara, don't tell silas but I think Brennan looks like you in these pictures.
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