We kinda have done a few things a little backwards, but oh well we have learned to just go with it. I have had Jolee signed up for a sibling class for the past couple of months, here at the hospital. So she could get a tour of the hospital, see the nursery, learn a little about babies, etc, etc. But since brother came a little earlier than expected, she could have given the tour of the hospital herself, she has been up here so much.

She had a blast, she was the youngest one there and hung in just like the other big girls. They where asked to bring a baby doll with them to the class, so Alice was the lucky one she chose to attend with. They watched a video about baby's, learned how to hold a baby and how to support it's little head.

The teacher then called them upfront and taught them how to change a diaper. She asked Jolee did she want help, Jolee replied... no she could do it herself. And let me tell you, the girl put that diaper on the right way all by herself, grant it Alice was turned and put in all kind of positions and face down, but she did it all by herself. Impressing the teacher and her Mama.
She then learned what things baby's could and could not play with, how to swaddle a baby, and how to feed it a bottle. It was a really good little class. I'm so glad we got to go together.

Jolee and Alice

Her certificate saying...she completed her sibling class and that she is a BIG SISTER!
She loved it, she came home and showed her Daddy how to swaddle Alice (and did it right) and then while I was holding Alice later that night, I clearly wasn't holding her the right way so Jolee said... Mom did you not listen to the teacher, she said you had to hold the baby's heads all the time. Well, at least she was paying attention!
Wow!!!! Has she grown up --- not the baby any more. We love ya'll and you all are in our thoughts daily.
I did not know they offered anything like this. Wonderful!! She is growing up so fast! We Love You Guys!! Beth, Brian and Matthew
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