Jolee working on her letter to Santa, all by herself. She said she wanted to make it colorful like a rainbow and draw him some pictures and write to him...Dear Santa, the date, and Jolee!

Jolee so proud of her finished letter to Santa!

Before heading to bed for the night, she wanted to leave Santa some cookies, a carrot for every reindeer (yes we named them all and counted them out) and leave Santa some Chocolate milk, because it is better than white milk and it would match hers in her cup! So that's what Santa got!
We had a few issues, with Santa like last year, she did not want to see him and did not want him to come into the house, while she was sleeping. Some questions, from that night.
Jolee: Does Granna and Pappy have a chimney?
Me: No they don't
Jolee: Good, so Santa can't come in their house?
Me: Well, if you want him too, he can?
Jolee: I don't want him to, he can leave them by the door?
Me: Ok, if that's what you want
Jolee: We should probably leave his cookies and milk outside by the door too
Me: Umm, ok if that's what you want
Long story short, before that she just wanted Santa to mail her presents to her, then she wanted him just to leave them by the door and not come in, in the end she said he could only come in the room that had the Christmas tree in it and get his cookies and leave her presents, but could not come past that room as she shut the door. It was Hilarious!!

Christmas morning, Jolee running to see if he ate his cookies, if he gave all the reindeer their carrots and drank his milk.

He did and he left her a letter, that she was so excited about. He new she had been a very good girl, that she took dance, and was going to be a big sister!

He left her a purple light up hula hoop and some more cool gifts, that she had asked for!

She got make-up and was so excited, because she said she was almost out at home!

Jolee looking at the letter Santa had left for her!
It was a very fun Christmas morning!!
Love the letter from Santa! What a great idea!
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