A break from Christmas post, to update you on Brennan!

How cute is little man? These 1st 2 photo's are fresh, from today's Doctors visit. I'm 26 weeks pregnant, and Thank the Good Lord, everything with Brennan is going great! As of today, he weighs 1pound and 14 ounces. Everything about him, is great! He is definitely an active little boy, he moves constantly (which we all love to feel)! They didn't get to many good pictures today, due to him moving around so much. In the above picture his head is at the bottom, with his legs kinda hanging above him. I know sounds weird, but that's what he was doing.

This picture is a profile picture, of him looking up. You can see his little face and nose, gosh I just get so excited looking at him! Jolee is going to be the best big sister ever. She loves to feel him kick and move around, she will come over and say Mom is he moving, I need to feel him. She talks to him and sings to him already. She absolutely loves going to the Dr. with me and knows pretty much about the ultrasound. She says, there's his heartbeat, he's looking at me Mom, there's his hand, its pretty amazing to me and the ultrasound techs that she can pick all that out!

This is from a couple of weeks ago, actually right before Christmas. My wonderful Dr. did some 3D shots for me and they were amazing!

Another 3D picture, taken at 24 weeks! He had is little hand up against his face!
I have to go have my 3 hour Glucose test done this week, YUCK! I apparently have to much fluid surrounding him, which they are thinking it might be due to gestational diabetes (hence having to take a 3 hour glucose test). The problem with having to much fluid surrounding him, is preterm labor. So after my results come back, we will know for definite.
The high risk Doctor, I saw today is pretty sure Brennan Silas Ford will make his debut a little earlier than his due date, just like his sister did! So please be in prayer for us and pray he doesn't come to soon!!
He is so cute already!! Thanks for sharing. I loved the high risk drs. and nurses. We are praying!! We love you! Beth
Yay!!!! We are getting so excited! Camdyn needs her boyfriend to come out and see her! Jolee is going to be the best big sister!Love ya, Amanda
Awww! Those pics are amazing! We're hoping to get some 3d ones done with this one too! We will certainly be in prayer for the health of you and Baby Brennan!
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