In between the hustle and bustle of this holiday season, Jolee has made some wonderful yet special crafts to help decorate our house for Christmas. She painted 3 wooden Christmas trees (the colors of her choosing) we hung our rainbow painted tree on our Christmas tree, so surprise Granna, Pappy, MeMaw, and PePaw if yours hasn't came in the mail yet....be looking for it!

And these fun decorations, are templates that I made her and she got to decorate them any way she wanted too! Some as you can see, have glitter, feathers, or stickers on them. We hung those up in our archway. We had such a good time together, working on these projects! She is so proud of the decorations she made. And I absolutely love it, it adds so much and it is her artwork.

Bless her heart, she was watching a Christmas movie in her room but didn't make it to the end. She looked so cute and precious laying there in her Footie Christmas Princess Pajama's!
Jolee loves watching Christmas movies, her favorites so far have been...Charlie Brown's Christmas and Santa Buddies. But if she see's one on as we are channel surfing, she wants to stop and watch it.
Her favorite Christmas songs this year are....Have a Holly Jolly Christmas (or as she says it, Have a Hoggy Joggy Christmas), Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow, and Jingle Bells!
Christmas time is such a blast with her!
Wow, she looks so long in the picture on the bed. We are really enjoying Christmas with Matthew. This year he is really aware of what is going on. We love you!! Beth
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