I had a very exciting, Dr's. appointment yesterday. The Dr. said he is 95% sure, we are having a....BOY!!!! I 'am 16 weeks and everything is looking GREAT, Praise the Lord! We go back on the 20th and will have a definite answer by then, but 95% sounds pretty definite to me!
Silas is so excited, and Jolee is getting used to the idea, I think. She was pulling for a sister, so much in fact that everyone knew that, even the Dr. So this is how the Dr. told us, it was going to be a BOY...You might want to work on big sister over there, about the color BLUE! Silas actually identified it was a Boy, before the Dr. told us (little man, must be proud)! I had dreams, that it was a girl, but kept calling it HE when I talked about the baby or pregnancy. If anything is different so far, about carrying a girl or a boy.....When I was pregnant with Jolee, 12 weeks and 1 day, I was over the nausea, but with Little Man, I'm still sick!!
Drum Roll Please......His name will be.......
Brennan Silas Ford

Thank you all for your prayers, Please keep them coming for us during this pregnancy!
We pray everyday, often for all of you. We love you!! We are very excited to have another BOY! Beth
We are so excited for you guys! What a great name too! I know Jolee will fall in love with him the moment she sees him!
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