2 weekends ago, Silas was scheduled to be at Winter Garden Church, close to Orlando on Sunday. So we decided, why not take a day or two before and spend some much needed family time away. We packed up and headed down to Orlando on Friday morning, to the Fort Wilderness Campground at Disney World! We had a wonderful time being together and trying to fit in everything we could at the campground! It is the nicest campground you could ever imagine, I promise and that is coming from someone who really loves her family to go camping while pregnant in a tent! I packed the phenergan and double checked that I had packed it several times, and off we went!

At Downtown Disney, we walked around and looked at some shops (of course, the princess stuff) and ate at the "Big Earth" or that is what Jolee calls it. It was actually Planet Hollywood!
The next morning, she got to go on a pony ride! The pony she rode, name was Levi. Now we have a couple of ponies around her named Levi!
Family picture!
Giving Levi hugs bye!
After the pony ride, Daddy had it all planned out. We headed over to the ESPN Club and ate lunch and watched the Bama game. How convenient and well planned out was that!!! After we ate, Jolee and I went for a walk around the board walk and looked at little shoppes along the way. When the game was over, we head over to the Roberts house. We had a wonderful night catching up and visiting with them. Jolee went right in and made her self at home. We had wonderful fellowship and wonderful food that night!
The next morning, we headed over to Winter Garden Church to be in service with them and had a wonderful time. We got to see people we haven't seen in like 3 years, since we had moved. Some hadn't seen Jolee since she was 4 months old. It was great getting to catch up with everyone. Thank you, Sister Becky and Brother Rodney for hosting us on Sat. night. We enjoyed it so much!

We also stopped on the way home, and attended a night service with a wonderful group of people. So as you can imagine, when we finally made it home and after fitting all of this in, in only one weekend. We where all exhausted! There was some swollen feet in the end, but what a wonderful good time we had!
**I had to fit in those last 2 pictures of me and Jolee, we don't get a lot made together, because I'm always the one taking them.**
I am so glad ya'll had a good time. I'm very sorry we missed ya. We had a house and yard full of Junior Class Council homecoming float builders. Hope to see you very soon. WE ARE SO EXCITED ABOUT YOUR NEW LITTLE BLESSING!!!!!!!
Love ya'll
Sis Kathy
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