September 23, 2009
Some Funnies.........
Jolee: Mom I need a tennis shoe!
Me: A what? Why?
Jolee: Because Mom, I need a tennis shoe in a box
Me: Thoroughly confused at this point, a what?
Jolee: A wiper for my nose, mom
Me: Oh, you need a tissue!!!!
*She is so picky, about stuff. I said we are out of tissue's go get some toilet paper. Mom you don't use that to wipe your nose, you need one out of a box!*

This conversation took place on a Sunday morning, while getting ready for church, between her Daddy and her.
Silas: Jolee, you look so pretty this morning!
Jolee: yep
Silas: Jolee, how about saying...thank you!
Jolee: Thank you!
Jolee: Not skipping a beat, about 2 seconds later says... Dad, how about saying... your welcome!

This is a conversation, that took place while shopping for Jolee some clothes the other day.

Me: Jolee, look at this shirt how you like it?
Jolee: um, no not really!
Me: still holding the cute shirt in my hand, picked up a pair of jeans and cute are these?
Jolee: I don't think they are my size, they are too long! And then says...Mom I told you, I really don't like that shirt, that you are holding.

*End of story: We walk out of the store empty handed! She is 3 and is a picky shopper already!*


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I absolutely love her facial expressions!! She is so cute!! Love You!! Beth

Blogger Amanda said...

Kee the conversations coming!!!! Too funny!

Blogger Laura said...

Oh my goodness! I'm laughing out loud! That is too cute!

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