I figured, I needed to document as much as I could on the blog about our new addition, because it is not looking promising that it will get a scrapbook like Jolee due to the fact..I'm so far behind on Jolee's scrapbook it's not funny. I just don't see it happening, right now. But there is always hope, that Granna will come through for he/she and fix a scrapbook (hint,hint,Granna)!!

We waited to tell Jolee, until we went to the Dr. Bless her heart, she would ask everyday..Mom are you still sick. She would want a wet, cold, rag on her head too. So many,many days we just layed around on the couch, with rags on our head watching Max and Ruby.
But after, we went to the Dr. we told her...She was going to be a BIG sister and she was so excited. We explained, that is why mommy has been sooooo sick (so know she says, mommy is the baby making you sick today) We also told her, it was going to be our little family secret, for awhile and to our surprise she thought that was cool and kept the secret.

When we decided to tell the Grandparents, we let her call and tell Pappy and Granna...that she was going to be a BIG sister. And then she called MeMaw and PePaw over the computer and signed the good news to them!
When we felt like it was time, to tell our family and friends...she told them alright, and tells everyone she know's, that Mommy has a baby in her belly! She is so excited as we all are!
We are so thrilled for you all. I know you all have been through alot and we will continue to pray that all goes well. Plus it's really cool that we will be going through this together!
We are very excited!! You continue to be in our prayers!! Love Ya, Beth
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