The lack of posting last week, was due to Jolee and I being in Alabama with family. We went up to celebrate and have a HUGE "surprise" party for my grandad who turned 80. Also, while we where there, we celebrated the twins 1st Birthday and we ventured on out to the pumpkin patch. Of course, there will be post and pictures on all those events later. But today, we are focusing on the pumpkin patch!
Pappy, Granna, and I took Jolee, Edison, and Audrey. We all had such a great time, and they where like 3 peas in a pod all week, these cousins had a great time being together last week!

A picture of Grandad and Jolee, before we headed to the patch!

Jolee riding "socks" the pony. This was her favorite thing to do at the pumpkin patch. They rode them 4 times that day to be exact!

Audrey on her pony!

The first hour we where there, Edison slept thru it! He was out!

Jolee and Audrey looking at the goats. Notice the same jeans on the girls, they are the same size as well. Jolee is 3 and Audrey is 4! That means my hand-me-downs are slowing down! ha,ha!

A girl who, the day before was in the car for 8 hours and no nap that day at the patch = A tired little Jolee, but after some Dr. Pepper (just a little caffeine) and a snack of fries and pizza, and some Pappy loving. She was good to go again!

Jolee riding "Trigger"

I told ya, after the caffeine they where good as new!

Granna, Pappy, Edison, Jolee, and Audrey in the Maze!

Pappy helping Jolee pick out her pumpkin

Audrey carrying her pumpkin

Granna and Jolee with her pumpkin!

The 3 Amigo's...Jolee, Audrey, and Edison!

Jolee on the 'Big" hay as she called it

Pappy, Jolee, and Granna!

Me and Jolee

I gave up on trying to get a picture, with them all looking at the same time!

Edison on his pony! He loved it!
We had a great day at the pumpkin patch!
Was this the pumpkin patch in Hayden??
She is growing so fast!! Glad you had a good time! Love You! Beth
Aw! A BOY! How sweet! Congrats to you all!
Every time I see pics from FL, I get a little homesick...Can't wait to see you guys again!
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