I figured today, I would just put up some cute pictures of my girl and tell you about a few of my favorite things she is doing right now at this age of almost being 2!
She loves to sing! She will say twinkle, twinkle star mommy, or row, row boat, mommy. We also do...I'm a little teapot, which she calls...peapots, mommy. The wheels on the bus, she loves and can tell you what comes next, if you ask her. Oh and we can't forget the "hokey pokey" or as she calls it the "hodey pokaty", she also is getting ready for Singing School by doing...hammer, hammer, hammer!
She is talking non-stop. She tells you exactly what she wants this days whether it is... bapple juice (apple juice) or chips and she wants to eat it on the TV tray, which she calls the choo-choo train, ok, that one I'm not really sure of unless she thinks when we say TV tray it sounds like choo-choo train, who knows, but its cute!
When Sophie is barking outside, she will run outside and say... "no barking rophie". She loves her swing and swide as she calls it. If she wants to go swing, she will go and get a pair of my flip flops and bring them to me and they actually match the pair she brings and say's..."mommy swing wif Jolee". That means she wants to be pushed on the swigs and then she will tell you, push weally (really) high!
She can count to 10 all by herself. And pretty much knows her colors or "nolors "as she calls them. The ones she knows for sure are...blue, green, red, pink, white, lellow (yellow), orange, purple. Ok, so now I'm just bragging a bit on her, sorry. She loves to "nolor", she will say... nolor wif mommy, meaning she wants me to color with her.
She has become a big helper. Whatever I'm doing she wants to help. She helps push the laundry baskets back and forth, close the dishwasher when I have finished loading it, she also helps wash dishes and sets the plates and forks where we sit. I will say... ok, put this plate where daddy sits, and off she goes putting it where daddy sits at the table. I love this age, it is great. You can see her wheels turning and spinning in that head of hers all the time. She is a little sponge right now soaking everything up. And repeats whatever you say. She is even talking in some sentences.
If her Daddy was here and I asked him what his favorite thing she does right now, he would probably answer this....Jolee what does a duck say...quack, quack, what does a bird say...tweet, tweet, what does a dog say..woof,woof, what does a cow say...moo, etc, etc. Jolee what does daddy say...ROLL TIDE!
My favorite thing she say's right now is.... Mommy, hold you! That's how she tells me she wants me to hold her. The only thing I can figure is, I ask her all the time... do you want me to hold you? So now when she wants to be held she says...mommy, hold you! I love it so much when she says it, I can't even correct her. I just love it, it makes me smile every time.
The list and this post could go on and on with all of our favorite things she does, but one more that stands out to me is when she prays. She will repeat it after you and it will melt your heart and bring tears to your eyes. The one she has been saying lately at bed time is... "Dear God, tank you for mommy, daddy, tank you for today, peese help nafan, Jesus name...MaMen!