February 28, 2010
An Update From.....The Hospital
Well, Im at what has become my 2nd home....the hospital! Yes, again. I was admitted on Friday after having a blood pressure of 162/119. They are keeping me here running more test...labs, u/s, 24 hour urine test, NS T's, etc, etc and then will make there decision on how long this is going to have to go on. My potassium is dropping again, I have more protein showing, and my blood pressure is staying high with headaches. His original goal, was to make it to 34wks and that will be on Thursday. So we shall see!
As for my little man, he is doing GREAT! They just did an u/s on him and he is breathing so good, according to the u/s he weighs 5lbs 4 oz (that's already more than his sister weighed, when she was born) so that made Mama feel better. The tech, kept going on about how good he looked growth wise, breathing wise, and weight wise. So I'm very thankful for that good news.
The high risk Dr. will be around after while to check in and give me their report and I will see my Dr. tomorrow and hopefully we will have a game plan on when Brennan is going to make his grand appearance.
(A picture that was taken last week of Brennan's face)
I can't leave sister out of this post, so here goes a report on her. She is so excited about becoming a big sister. She is actually in Alabama this weekend with Granna for Weston's 2nd
birthday party (wasn't he just born)? It took a lot, for me to let her go, I just miss her so much. But when they said, I was going to be in the hospital all weekend for sure, I knew she would have more fun and would be kept busy in Alabama. She has had a blast, and has got to play with all of her cousins. Before, she left she kept saying...Mom, Brennan's not coming out is he, while I'm gone. She was very concerned about that and I thought, that was precious. She will be back tomorrow and I can't wait to see her!

Thank you for all the prayers that you have been sent up on my behalf and my family's behalf. Please keep them going.

February 24, 2010
"Your Still The One"
On Valentine's Day this year, Daddy came home with a very pretty red (which is her favorite color) plant that she can water herself (which she is really into) and a huge balloon that when you tap it, it sings...Your still the One!

The balloon that sings, was her favorite gift by far. She has learned the song and sings and dances to it, all the time! It is sooo cute, to watch her. She even sang the song for the Dr. at the high risk office yesterday (is that sad, that we know them that well) the Dr. then told her...You will be the next American Idol!

Our Valentine's Day tradition had to be put on hold this year, due to Me being on bed rest and all. But we have promised to take her to Build A Bear as soon as life gets back to normal (whatever and whenever that will be)!


So, sorry it is sideways. But I can't fix it, I have to get back to bed, before my blood pressure rises anymore. But, it's still cute...right?

February 11, 2010
A Heavy Heart
Silas' Grandfather, are as we called him Pa-Pa passed away last Sunday night. He had been in the hospital for about 3 weeks prior to that. Silas and Jolee left that night and headed up to Bama for the funeral. It is absolutely killing me, that I'm here on bed rest and Silas and his family are there going through this hard/sad and difficult time. I knew Pa-Pa way before he became my Pa-Pa, when I married Silas almost 10 years ago.
He spoke the kindest words, this last Christmas about Silas and the man he had become and that will always be with me. I'm so glad, I will have that memory of him from this Christmas along with the one of him telling the entire family, that I was pregnant and not just getting fatter. Along with a ton of other memories and stories he always told. The night, Silas and I got engaged I saw him and he kept saying..are you sure you want to marry Lee (that is what he always called him) and yes Pa-Pa to this day, I'm still absolutely sure I wanted to marry "Lee"! Lee he was proud of you and loved you, always know that!

When we told Jolee, that Pa-Pa went to heaven she said..he gave me a dress for Christmas and one for my doll so we can match! She then said...we can still go see Grandma Beth, right mom? As she then went and put on the dress Pa-Pa had given her and dressed her doll up and wore it for the next couple of hours. Kids are amazing!

(Jolee and Chloie in their matching dresses, that Pa-Pa gave them at Christmas)

Please, keep Silas and his family in your prayers. Tomorrow is the funeral and I hate that he is having to go through this by his self, although he reassured me he would not be alone..Jesus would be there with him. My 2 favorite people, will be heading back home to me on Friday and I can't wait, I miss them like crazy!

You will be missed Pa-Pa!

(Pa-Pa and Grandma Beth at Christmas with some of their great grandkids)

February 3, 2010
An Update on Me and Brennan
So I haven't posted in forever and this time I have a really, really good excuse why I haven't. I have been in the hospital and now I'm out on bed rest. Yep, I said bed rest and hospital! So here is the long story short.

I went a couple of weeks ago, to my OBGYN for a regular check-up and I was driving to the apt. I saw spots and knew immediately, it was probably my blood pressure (it brought flashbacks of when I was pregnant with Jolee). So when I got to the Dr's. office, they checked my blood pressure 3 times and said to me....Congratulations, you have just won yourself a trip to Labor and Delivery to be monitored for a couple of hours (due to my pregnancy with Jolee, I had pre-eclampsia).

So Thank God, Silas was there with me and called Sis. Sherri who came and picked up Jolee. Let me add Silas, had just gotten off of a plane, from a business trip to Atlanta. We Get over to L&D and get all hooked up, with IV's, all kind of monitors, blood work taken, and tons and tons of questions, etc, etc. My blood work came back, and it was not so good. Evidently, your potassium level is supposed to be 3.4 - 5.4 and mine set the alarms off in the Lab coming back at 2.1. That explains, why I have been extremely tired and exhausted this pregnancy and so sick. So that won me a night in the hospital, which then turned into a 6 day stay at the hospital, before they could get my potassium and blood pressure manageable again.

I absolutely hated being in the hospital, away from my family. Due to the H1N1 flu, they are not letting children under 5 on the L&D hall, so that meant I had to get wheeled out in a wheelchair to the lobby, in order to see Jolee. Which I did, and enjoyed every precious minute I got to spend with her in that lobby. It took a few days, for her to come around to me with the IV, hospital gown, and wheelchair she just wasn't used to seeing me like that. Every time my visit was over, with her I would cry and cry.
Our church family, has been wonderful. From keeping and helping out with Jolee, to coming and visiting me in the hospital, cards and phone calls. My Mom is here now helping us out, having to do everything for me and in the house. I got to get out of the hospital, with strict orders of bed rest, no driving, no nothing. But at least I'm at home and can rest in my own bed and sit and color in the bed with Jolee and she brings her barbies in and we play. She still says several times a day...Mommy, you are not going to leave me and go back to that hospital for a long time again are you? Which breaks my heart.

I'm seeing the Dr. twice a week, to keep a check on Me and Brennan. The Dr's. goal is to try to make it to 34 wks, as long as my blood pressure, potassium, and protein levels stay ok. Brennan is doing great, active as usual and weighs 3lbs 12oz right now. I will be 30 weeks tomorrow and go back to the Dr. on Friday.

So post may be few and far between, but I will try to update on me or teach Silas how to. I'm trying to find me a laptop to borrow, so I can update more often from my bed.

So please be in pray for me and my family.