Weston Alan Roberts
Isn't he beautiful? We think so too! Weston was born on Thursday February 28th at 8:28Am. As soon as I got the call from my brother on Wednesday about noon-ish that they were admitting Pam in the hospital that night at 8:00PM and that they were inducing labor, I thru some clothes in a suit case for me and Jolee and we headed to Bama. Eight hours later we arrived and the action started they thought it would be a slow process, but nope not Pam she intended for him to come out! Once they got her started there was no holding her back!
We were so excited to be there when the little man was born, it was such a joyous occasion. We all feel very blessed to have little Weston in our lives. Jolee and I got to spend the 1st week of him being in the world with him and the family at his house, and loved every minute of it. It is a special thing to see your brother holding his son in his arms and thinking about him being a daddy... WOW, it is still getting to me (you would have thought I would have got it cried all out in the 8 hours up to Bama and the 8 hours back, but nope it still makes me a little teary eyed, in a good way) My Family has been deeply blessed and Im just very thankful for that!
Jolee is in love with her new little cousin, she was so gentle with him, she would talk to him saying.... hey baby, hey baby, hey baby. and now has named him Baby Wes (according to Aunt Pam, Jolee is the only one that can get away with calling him Wes, so don't try it!) she wanted to hold him and would do a good job at it. From the time she woke up till the time she went to bed she was with him and who ever had him just watching and talking to him! She wanted to show in stuff she was doing like...her cloring pages, wanted him to hold her Nemo, wanted him to see the kitty cat that was out back, etc, etc! How sweet is that? She is a good big cousin!
I know there are lots of pictures below, but what kind of Aunt would I be if I didn't show a lot of pictures of my handsome nephew!
Jolee watching on as Weston got his diaper changed at the hospital.
The very proud parents! A.K.A. Uncle JoJo & Aunt Pam

Weston sunning the jaundice out!
The proud new big cousin!
Me holding my nephew at the hospital
Love this picture, Me & Pam and our 2 kiddos
I know me again, I can't help it, I love this little man!
I told ya, she was always with who ever had little Weston. **Notice the Boppy**
**Notice the Boppy** Jolee wanted to be like her Aunt Pam (or Aunt Mam) as Jolee calls her. Aunt Pam would sit in this chair with the boppy around her, so as soon as Pam would get up Jolee would run and get in the chair and put the boppy around her and would sit there. Cracked us up!
My baby used to be that small. Sniff, Sniff! And know she is holding a baby!
Our handsome little man!