October 31, 2007
Our Painted Pumpkin
Isn't she a beaut! I just felt like adding a little Australian to this post. Why you ask...I don't know, maybe I have had to much candy today. Anyway, I told you guys yesterday I would let you know how it went painting our pumpkin. Actually, we drew on it with markers, why you ask with markers... I don't know that either, could be I'm a first time mom and didn't think the whole, she will have marker marks everywhere on her body including her belly, how it got there who knows, but she loved it and we did a lot of laughing, and that's what it is all about right. It's not about the scrubbing and scrubbing trying to get it off part at all. I know I'm no Picasso, but you have to admit that's a pretty good paint job on that there pumpkin.

This is Jolee's side, that she did all on her own!

After we got the face on the pumpkin, she wanted to carry it everywhere!

She even wanted to feed her little pumpkin, isn't that sweet!

October 30, 2007
Pumpkin Patch 2007
On Sunday after church, we took Jolee to the Pumpkin Patch. We knew she was a bit ill and was extremely tired and we didn't really know how she was going to act but it was our last chance to go as a family before Halloween. We had tried twice the weekend before to take her and both times they were closed, so no matter the mood we were all in due to tiredness, long day, migraines (yep, that was me) we were going to that Pumpkin Patch and we were going to have some family fun, and that was all there was to it!
When we got out of the car and she saw all those pumpkins she got so excited and her mood quickly changed she ran around and pointed to I know almost every pumpkin in the patch, and after pointing to it, she would look up at us and wait on us to say pumpkin, this went on and on and on until her Daddy shook her up a bit and instead of saying pumpkin one time he said watermelon, you should have seen the double take she gave him, it was hilarious! We had a wonderful time watching her run around and laughing and playing. We ended up getting her a pumpkin (notice a pumpkin, as in 1 pumpkin) due to that 1 little pumpkin costing $4.00 and when we went to WalMart right after that they had huge pumpkins for like $1.50, we kept telling our self the $4.00 pumpkin was for a good cause and it was the experience of taking Jolee to the pumpkin patch that counts. We plan on letting her decorate her pumpkin today so I will definitely let everyone know how that goes.
Enjoy our Pumpkin Patch Pictures!

Cute little decorations!


Wow! Look at all those orange things!

I got one!

She didn't really care for sitting up there, but I had to get a picture anyway!

Whats this one Daddy?

She is trying to climb over them!

Love this one: Daddy and Jolee are playing drums on the pumpkins!

She tried so hard to pick this one up!

We were looking at the scarecrow!

October 24, 2007
Family Fun at the Farm
I know I'm a little behind on getting this post up, but late is better than never, I say. My Family is a huge part of my life, I love being together with them and we are a close family. So since some of us live a little farther away, when we go home we like to always try to get the kids together so they can play and hopefully they will be close to each other too as they grow up! When we went home to take Jolee to the Bama game it was a quick trip, I'm talking like got their at midnight on Friday and left on Sunday heading back to Florida, but we did get to fit in a "Key Family Bond fire" which is kinda becoming a once a year tradition. My grandparents live on a farm so we have plenty of room to run around and play, and the bond fire was complete with a hayride. We all have such a great time when we are together and this time was no different!

Jolee, Daddy, and I had just gotten back from the game, so looks to me like Daddy and Jolee were still discussing it.

Cousins.....Auston, Joseph, and Lucy roasting their hot dogs!

Uncle JoJo and Pappy roasting them a hot dog or two!

Jolee found out she loved marshmallows, she ate hers right out of the bag, because she didn't have time to wait on them to roast on the fire!

Grandma and Grandad eating a bite and watching the grandchildren playing!

Granna and Jolee pointing out Baby Edison's nose, eyes, mouth, you get the point!

Preggo Aunt Pam roasting that Baby a marshmallow!

A good family shot of Aunt Andrea, Cousins Abbie & Alex, and Uncle Philip!

Cousins Audrey & Lucy, and Aunt Michele enjoying the hayride!

The older cousins being silly and having a fun time!

After it was all over that night, it looks like Jolee and Pappy were talking it over!

October 19, 2007
They're Having A.................
Yesterday Uncle JoJo and Aunt Pam had an ultrasound and found out that they are having a beautiful baby BOY! After being shocked, because everyone assumed it was going to be a girl, due to everyone since my mother started having kids, all her brothers and sisters had kids and us of course all had girls first, but they did it, they broke the tradition. Just had to be different.
The Dr. says the baby is growing great and looks good and healthy. We are so excited about having a little boy join our family. That means I'm going to have a nephew! Granna and Pappy are going to have a grandson and granddaughter (that's nice), and Jolee is going to have a little cousin to take care of and teach all the things that Uncle JoJo and Aunt Pam have taught her, to their little boy (watch out)! We are all so excited and cant wait to meet him in person. His name is going to be Weston Alan and he is supposed to make his grand appearance on Feb 22nd!
To the parents to be... I love you guys so much and I'm so excited about the life that you are bringing into this world. God is GOOD. We are truly blessed as a family and Weston is just going to be one more wonderful blessing. You both are going to be wonderful parents and I cant wait to see my little brother playing with his little son (now that sounds weird). We love you guys and are always here if you need anything CONGRATULATIONS!

Here is a good profile shot of Weston Alan! Isn't he handsome!

Jolee is so excited about having a cousin, can you tell? She can teach him to play dolls and dress up and he can teach her how to play trucks and cars.

I'm so excited that our children are going to grow up together and be so close in age! I can't wait to watch them play together just like me and Joseph used to play together!

October 15, 2007
Playing with Playdough
Last Friday I was looking around for a new activity for me and Jolee to do, and I remembered we had a cool little playdough set that Silas' boss from Melbourne gave him and told him to keep it for Jolee till she got old enough to play with (thanks Grandpa Chuck) and yes after moving twice since then, we still have it! I put her in her little chair pulled it up to the table and we started to play, she wasn't to sure about it in the beginning, she would barely touch it and then make a face and then try to flick it off of her hands. By the end of playdough time that day she had started actually touching it and playing with it and her facial expressions got a little better.

Look at that face!

Still not liking it on her fingers!

See she eventually warmed up to it on Friday!

On Sunday evening we all gathered round the table to have family playdough time and we really did have a lot of fun. And this time Jolee was a pro at playing with the playdough! She was attempting to use all the little cutouts making ish's (fish) and circles. Something else I learned about Silas is that he is the master at playdough, and takes it very serious. We decided we would each make something and then show each other our creations at the end, but after you see the pictures you will know who won, but in my defense I didn't know we were really putting that much of an effort in to it. So I really couldn't tell you who had more fun playing that night between Daddy or Jolee.

Look at her go!

Daddy and Jolee making hand prints!

Told ya he gets serious when playing, look at his face!

Oh and look at this face Miss. Serious in the making as well when playing with playdough!

Ok, so this is what I made and I thought it was pretty good!

And this is what Silas made, so yeah he kinda won that one!

All in all we had a great time laughing, watching, and playing with Jolee. Oh how your Sunday evenings change when you have a kiddo.

As of yesterday, Jolee is the proud owner of an aquarium, that houses 5 beautiful fish! She absolutely loves her fish or her "ish" as she calls them. She will run to the tank, (which is at her eye level) and waves at them, talks to them, points them out and tries to follow them with her finger as they swim around.

So the story on how we ended up with an aquarium and fish goes like this: Silas for awhile has been saying I think Jolee needs some fish, she would love them "T". So on Sat. we went to the Pet store to get Sophie some food and treats and we just happened to walk by the fish dept that is on the total opposite side of the dog food. Jolee flipped out when she saw them all swimming around. She got so excited and squatted down and started talking to them, and pointing, and bouncing and moving both feet so fast (that must be her excited dance) and when someone would walk down the aisle she would point to them and say ish, ish! So when we told her it was time to go home, she looked at them and waved and walked a little ways away, and then she would go back again and wave at the 'ish'. As you can see it took us awhile to get out of the store.

So the rest of the night and Sunday morning on the way to church we talked about it, and after some convincing from Silas that Jolee needs fish and that he would be in charge of cleaning the tank out (what a good daddy) we went to WalMart after church and got us and aquarium and 5 fish (it was cheaper at WalMart)! So while Jolee took her nap yesterday, Silas and I put together the aquarium, we had alot of fun getting it ready to surprise her when she woke up. And of course we took lots of pictures and video to capture her reaction, and it was great! She loved it!

Jolee pointing at her "ish"

She looked at her Daddy as if to say: Are those my fish?

So for so good with Sophie she handling the change well!

Mommy and Jolee looking at the fish

She did this all night, she would play and then stop and run over there and check on her fish!

These are my fish?

Daddy and Jolee looking at the fish

How could you not get her fish after seeing this face?

A look inside Jolee's aquarium!