Brennan on the other had, loved it (that kind of surprised me)! He laid on Mimi's lap and enjoyed watching the firework show!
She did such a great job, she didn't miss a step! Her face looks white in some of these pictures (due to my flash), but I assure you, it wasn't! She had plenty of makeup on, which got to her Daddy a bit!
Can my baby boy, really be 4 months old already? It feels like, we just got out of the NICU with him yesterday or that could be my feeling, because the bills from the NICU are still rolling in!
Brennan has grown and changed so much every day (he doesn't even look, like a preemie at all anymore). Before he was born, I worried that I would never be able to love him, as much as I loved Jolee. I worried and worried about it all through the pregnancy and talked to several people who had 2 or more kids and there answer was all the just do, you love them the same! The minute he was born, on March 1st, I never had that feeling again, seriously never have thought about it since. I love, care and adore him so much ! God is an Awesome God, he gives you and feels your heart with more love,love that you didn't even know existed! And my heart melts, every time I look into those big blue eyes.
He has finally found his hands (he has been trying for awhile) and he is always sucking on them! He sleeps through the night with his Alabama Taggie (that Granna made him) and with his blue and white puppy, that his sister named "Spot" (I figured she could name it, since she bought it for him, before he was born). He is a really good, happy, and content baby. He loves to be talked to or sang to (which works out great, considering he has a 4 year old sister, that adores him and talks and sings to him constantly!
My new favorite thing, that he has done lately is....when I am rocking him and he is almost asleep, he opens his eyes and looks into mine and smiles the sweetest smile, you have ever seen and then goes to sleep (it's almost, like he is saying...Ok, my mommy still has me and all is good!
When Jolee talks to him and he babbles something back to her, there faces light up and they laugh! That's right, little man laughed out loud, for the first time yesterday at his Mama, and it was so cute!!
Some of Brennan's nicknames, that you can hear him be called from time to time are....Biggin, Butterball (by his sister) Grinnin Brennan (due to him smiling all the time) and Brennan Boo!
Happy 4 months my baby boy, you are a true blessing from our amazing God!
I love you, son!
Brennan attended his first Singing School last week and received tons and tons of attention. Which helped me out a ton, so if you were one of the ones, who held, fed, burped, got to sleep, or anything else for me......thank you, thank you, thank you!
My sweet, happy little boy!
Audrey and Jolee were 2 peas in a pod last week!
As for me, I could not love my kids more. They make me laugh, they make me smile, they make me cry, they make me tired, they make me! Last week, I was so sick I'm not one to run fevers, but last week I ran one for 4 days straight and I'm not talking about a low grade fever, I'm talking about 102-104.5 fever for 4 days! I ended up having some infections, that turned into a kidney infection. Thank the Good Lord, my mom was scheduled to come down that same week, so she ended up taking care of all 3 of us and even though I'm 30, yes I said 30, no one can take care of you, like your mom when you are deathly ill.