July 17, 2010
New Blog!
I'm leaving on a good note...I have posted 300 stories and pictures on Our Buttercup Baby, mostly of Jolee! But the all pink and the name, kinda leaves a certain little boy out. So please, come over to my new "family friendly" blog and join us, as I tell even more stories and share even more pictures of my family! Thanks for all the support and comments that were left on this blog for me, please continue them on my new blog...I love reading them! Come on over too......

July 8, 2010
4th of July
Brother David and Brennan
On the 4th of July, we spent the day surrounded by our church family, and it doesn't really get in better than that (unless our families were here, along with our church family) ! We were in church that morning, then lunch, then a nap (love Sunday afternoon naps), and then a trip down to St. Augustine for food, fellowship, and fireworks!

This is a picture of Jolee watching the firework show, she was iffy about the whole ordeal. She was so excited about fireworks all day, and then when it finally came time for them, she was scared. Well, she was only scared of the loud fireworks....she said, but she liked the pretty colors of all of them!

Brennan on the other had, loved it (that kind of surprised me)! He laid on Mimi's lap and enjoyed watching the firework show!

I love this picture, because you can see both of them! We had such a wonderful night all being together and St. Augustine really puts on a great firework show!

Daddy and Brennan waiting on the fireworks to begin! Silas was off all weekend, due to it being a holiday, and we LOVED it! We spent the entire weekend together, playing games, going on walks, watching movies just being together as a family and it was wonderful!

Chris Anne and Brennan!
It was a wonderful 4th and a great time was had by all, even though it was crazy crowded in St. Augustine!!

July 7, 2010
1st Dance Recital
On June 19th, Jolee had her first dance recital! It was a very long day, we had rehearsal that morning, about an hour away from our house Then went home and finished packing, for our trip to Alabama (because we were leaving, from her recital that night) then got her all dolled back up again and headed back to her recital! Just and FYI, we ended up arriving in Bama at 3:30AM, the next morning, for Singing School!

She did such a great job, she didn't miss a step! Her face looks white in some of these pictures (due to my flash), but I assure you, it wasn't! She had plenty of makeup on, which got to her Daddy a bit!

This picture, was taken in the dressing room right before the recital! I was so proud of my little ballerina, she looked gorgeous and had worked so hard at remembering her dance! It brought back a ton of memories, for me! I will go ahead and say, I did shed a few tears....I mean wasn't it, just me up there dancing at one of my recitals, and my mom was just doing my hair and makeup in the dressing room, and now my little girl was up there, is my baby really that old? Old enough to be involved in extra curricular activities!

Jolee's hair from the back!

A very proud Daddy and his little ballerina!

Mommy, Jolee, and Daddy after the recital! She was so excited about getting flowers, the red rose was from us, and the pink flowers were from Timothy!

Bro. David talking to his favorite little Elephant, after she danced!
She had her very own little fan club there! There were 3 girls, from the church dancing in this recital. So we had our very own little section at the recital!

Jessica congratulating Jolee on dancing so good on stage!

Kisses from Ashley

Our Macclenny Dancers...Jolee, Caytlin, and Sarah!

Jolee with her MiMi!!

Family Picture with our little Ballerina!

Jolee and her Nina, after her recital!
Jolee did so great that night, she loves dancing and we were so very proud of her. 1 year of dance down, many more to go!

July 2, 2010
My "Amazing" Family
Videos and Pictures, from over the last couple of months of my "Amazing" family!

4 months old

Can my baby boy, really be 4 months old already? It feels like, we just got out of the NICU with him yesterday or that could be my feeling, because the bills from the NICU are still rolling in!

Brennan has grown and changed so much every day (he doesn't even look, like a preemie at all anymore). Before he was born, I worried that I would never be able to love him, as much as I loved Jolee. I worried and worried about it all through the pregnancy and talked to several people who had 2 or more kids and there answer was all the same...you just do, you love them the same! The minute he was born, on March 1st, I never had that feeling again, seriously never have thought about it since. I love, care and adore him so much ! God is an Awesome God, he gives you and feels your heart with more love,love that you didn't even know existed! And my heart melts, every time I look into those big blue eyes.

He has finally found his hands (he has been trying for awhile) and he is always sucking on them! He sleeps through the night with his Alabama Taggie (that Granna made him) and with his blue and white puppy, that his sister named "Spot" (I figured she could name it, since she bought it for him, before he was born). He is a really good, happy, and content baby. He loves to be talked to or sang to (which works out great, considering he has a 4 year old sister, that adores him and talks and sings to him constantly!

My new favorite thing, that he has done lately is....when I am rocking him and he is almost asleep, he opens his eyes and looks into mine and smiles the sweetest smile, you have ever seen and then goes to sleep (it's almost, like he is saying...Ok, my mommy still has me and all is good!

When Jolee talks to him and he babbles something back to her, there faces light up and they laugh! That's right, little man laughed out loud, for the first time yesterday at his Mama, and it was so cute!!

Some of Brennan's nicknames, that you can hear him be called from time to time are....Biggin, Butterball (by his sister) Grinnin Brennan (due to him smiling all the time) and Brennan Boo!

Happy 4 months my baby boy, you are a true blessing from our amazing God!

I love you, son!