One of the funny things was, Weston wanted everything just like Jolee. Before he came, he would only drink out of one certain cup, but after he saw Jolee drinking out of her Pink Princess Cup....he had to have one. If she had on socks, he would go and point to her feet and he wanted socks on too. It was hysterical! They had to buy several different kind of cups while they where here, same cup as Jolee's just with a "boy" design on it. Joseph said his son was not going out in public drinking out of a Pink Princess cup. It was killing Joseph already, that he was pushing a pink baby stroller around and eating out of pink Barbie plates!
We swam and played outside several days. The Ferrell's came over one day at played and we all had such a good time. The boys enjoyed running and grunting at each other, while the girls entertained themselves playing in the playroom. The McCook's came and went to the Library with us one day, we had fun singing, and listening to story time and doing crafts. And I was so excited, I finally got to show off my nephew to our friends at church. Yep, I kept Uncle JoJo, Aunt Pam, and Weston pretty busy while they were here.
Aunt Pam and Jolee playing beauty shop. Aunt Pam fixed Jolee's hair. so now Jolee was returning the favor to Aunt Pam! It was looking a "hot mess" when she got through with it!

Family picture of the 3 of them at Chuck E. Cheese. Weston had a blast and went full force, riding everything he could. Where Jolee was very stand offish and wouldn't ride anything that moved or made noises
Me and Jolee! The kids cups where cracking us up!
Weston trying to get in their with Chuck E. Cheese, Jolee was standing up crying as she was saying...Weston is too close, make him come back.

Uncle JoJo, Weston , and Jolee heading off to win some tickets!
Love this picture!
Water Park Day! That was such a fun day!
Uncle JoJo and Weston on a water slide.
Me and Joseph with our kiddos at the water park. I'm not a water slide/heights kinda girl. I prefer to stay on the ground. However, Joseph talked me into riding a water slide with him and I screamed all the way down it! After that we just watched Joseph and Pam do all the water slides, and I enjoyed my time in the kiddie pool with the kids!
Weston is a little dare devil. He slid anyway you could imagine down those kiddie slides...headfirst, feet first, sideways, etc and LOVED every minute of it. While Jolee stood in the water and spun around like a princess!
They had such a good time being together that week. I wished we lived closer so they could see and play with each other more often. We miss them so much! Weston is definitely on the go, ALL the time, where Jolee says she needs to sit and rest a minute. Hilarious!
Nathan and Weston playing the pool!
A family picture after Weston's 1st Haircut. It was the cutest place every!
This is our camping trip, I will spare all the details. But we can just say, that my brother will probably never go camping again. If it could go wrong, it did
Jolee and Weston running around the campsite!
We enjoyed a day at the beach!
Jolee and Daddy doing some sight seeing in St. Augustine
And no day at the beach is complete without an ice cream cone!
He LOVED his too!

Family picture of the 3 of them at Chuck E. Cheese. Weston had a blast and went full force, riding everything he could. Where Jolee was very stand offish and wouldn't ride anything that moved or made noises

Uncle JoJo, Weston , and Jolee heading off to win some tickets!

I know this post was full of a lot of pictures, but we did so much and this was just the highlights of the week. Uncle JoJo, Aunt Pam, and Weston....Thank you so much for coming to visit us, we had a wonderful week. We miss ya'll!
P.S. You don't have to wait till the next July 4th to come down and visit again, Ha! However, we do have ya'lls week reserved already for next year!
Looks like a wonderful week!! I think it is a Boy thing to go all the time. Matthew looked at Jolee's picture today and said "Call Jo Jo, she play with Matty"
Love Ya,
I'm so glad you all had such a good time together!
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