Last weekend, we went to home to Alabama. And every time we go home we keep fitting more and more in while we are there. But I love it, I can rest later, right? All of the family was home, and it was great to see and visit with them all.
We got to Bama about midnight Thursday night and started running on Friday morning! On Friday, Jolee fit in a fishing trip with her Daddy, MeMaw and PePaw while I went to town with my Aunt to buy all the Birthday stuff we needed for the girls party on Saturday! We also, that night had a sleepover for the "girl" cousins (which was hilarious and deserves a post and pictures of its own). Then Saturday got up early decorated and had a party (again, post and pictures to come from that)! I'm getting tired just typing all that we did in the short time we where at home. We also attended another cousins Birthday party that night, then church on Sunday, then the long drive back to the house! Whew!

This is Weston giving Jolee some loving and trying to sit in her lap! He has grown so much and is hilarious! Uncle JoJo, Aunt Pam, and Weston stayed at Granna and Pappy's house that weekend too, so we got to play and visit with them alot and loved it!

Cousin Lucy and Silas during a knife presentation, Oh yea, we fit that in too. Another one of my cousins, was selling knifes and did a presentation for us, to earn money for scholarships. Even though, we as in (me and Silas) didn't buy any, because they where $$$$ she did a great job! She should earn a scholarship just getting through a presentation with Silas and Aunt Michele and all their jokes and questions!

Jolee holding Marianna! Jolee was in love with the twins. She held them, talked to them, played with them, kissed on them. It melted my heart. The girls where so cute, it was our first time to meet them, and I fell in love! My Aunt Michele and Uncle Brian are fostering them, so please keep them in your prayers!

Me and Angelica! They are precious!
We had such a good time at home in Bama! And of course, as always our trip went by way to fast and we miss everyone so much already!
I now have 4 weeks of teaching summer school, then Matthew and I are ready to go!!
Love Ya,
I'm so glad you all enjoyed your trip! Sounds like it was jam packed with fun activities!
It's always so much fun to go home. I'm glad that you posted pictures of the twins. I had heard about them and it was neat to put faces to the names.
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