So I've drug out this 3rd Birthday thing, is what you are thinking. This is the last post, because thankfully it was the last birthday event, and we are totally out of money now! We had a princess party in Alabama with all the family. Jolee turned 3 and cousin Audrey turned 4 so we had a combined party again this year for the two girls. It was so much fun and they loved it!

Let me be a little sentimental here, before I go on with the birthday fun! The castle in the above picture was painted by Audrey's mother (my aunt) for
My 6th Birthday Party, how cool is that! So it's pretty old, but still looked great, it was cool that we got to use it for our daughters birthday party as well! (Thanks Michele)

We had an awesome "princess castle" bouncy house, that was so much fun for the kids and adults!

Granna and Pappy with the birthday girl!

MeMaw and PePaw with the birthday girl!

Jolee and Mommy jumping!

She was so funny, and so excited! She just kept saying over and over again...I can't believe this is my birthday party, I just can't believe it!

Weston is clearly still teething, but seems to be having fun while doing it!

Jolee with her cake. It was so cute and so good too! A lady that my Dad (Pappy) used to work with made it, she did a great job!

Opening up presents!

The birthday girls, Audrey and Jolee in their "new" princess dresses!

Pinata time!

Little Man here, didn't stop the whole time. He played and played the entire time and loved it! Looks like he has seen someone talking while driving before, because he sure knows what to do!

Jolee trying out her new princess skates!

It was such a wonderful and fun day! This was one tired little 3 year old, who played till she couldn't play any more!
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