September 12, 2008
Friday Funnies!
If you would have been at our house this week, this is just one of the funny conversations you would have heard:
Me: As I'm flipping through the magazine, asked Jolee what would you like for Christmas?
Jolee: Without thinking about it or taking a breath, replies.... a horse!
Me and Silas: A what? A horse? A real one?
Jolee: Yes!
Me: Well if you had a horse, what would you feed it?
Jolee: A bottle!
Me: Ok, well what would you name it?
Jolee: Horsie!
Me: Where would Horsie sleep?
Jolee: In my bed wif (with) me, and Nemo, and Tona (her fish and bear)!
Silas: How bout just a ride on a horse!
Me and Silas: Note to self call the Masterson's and see if Jolee can come ride on a horse!
And their she is, our little cowgirl, who is obsessed with horses and being a cowgirl at this stage of life! She puts on her cowgirl hat and jumps on the arm of the couch and me guys, as she hollers hee-haw (I think she means to say yee-haw), I'm riding fast!
Monkey-See Monkey- Do!
I have been trying hard this week to walk on the treadmill every day, and I have to brag a little on myself I have fulfilled my goal! I have walked every day this week, well one day I didn't but that was the day I went and had 6 moles cut off of me, but I made up for it by walking on it twice the next day. Ok, so all together now...Yeah for Tara!
Anyway, back to Jolee. She has watched me walk on it and says while I'm walking...Is it my turn next to get on the tweadmill (treadmill). So she does and she moves those arms back and forth and everything. She says and does what ever you do are say! She is just hilarious these days and is cracking me up, I love it!


Blogger Rebekah Sacran said...

Get her in the mode of exercising every day now and she will thank you later!

Blogger Kathy U said...

I have to agree with you. Jolee is a mess. She is the cutest thing. Thank you for share her and Silas last weekend. We enjoy them so much.
Sis Kathy

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