March 6, 2007
One of those Days.

OK as you can see it is almost midnight on Tuesday and yes, I'm still up!! And just now getting to do a post, it has been one of those BAD TEETHING DAYS!! It started Monday night and has went on all day long, bless her heart or mine whatever, but anyway as you can see above we only have 2 bottom teeth, but I'm guessing with all the whining, chewing, and slobbering that has gone on today we should have another tooth pop up soon!! I cant imagine how bad it would be with out Tylenol and teething tablets, actually I don't want to imagine it. Oh and to add to all that we have a runny nose also. The question I leave you with tonight is why do things like this happen when Daddy is out of town?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It always happens when they're out of town! :-) Go figure!

Blogger Brittany said...

Sounds like it's time for you to have a break. Let me know if I can do anything. I love ya Tara!

Blogger Amber said...

Sorry about that runny nose...that could me from us. ;) Hope a tooth pops through SOON!

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