February 26, 2008
He's Here......
Nope not Weston, its Nathan! Nathan Ferrell was born Sunday night weighing 6lbs and 5 oz. I know my family and friends who read this blog have been praying for this special little boy and his parents through out the last several months. I want to thank you, and I know his mommy and daddy would as well. God is so Good, and once again he has proved it. Baby Nathan is here and is perfect in every little way.

I had the wonderful privilege of getting to hold and see little Nathan last night at the hospital. He is precious, so sweet and so little (holding him could make a person want to have another baby, then after sleeping straight thru the night last night, that person decided she would just go and hold Nathan when she needed a fix, a bit longer)!

Silas, Jolee and I all have truly been blessed by the wonderful bond our families have formed. So congrats to the 2 older sisters, Abby and Emma and to Mommy and Daddy! You have a precious little family!
(Nathan and Me)

February 21, 2008
She's learned to Pray!

So how sweet is that?

Every night before bedtime Jolee and her Daddy have a few moments of quiet time together. Their routine goes a little something like this... change her diaper, talk a few minutes about what she has done that day, and then say a prayer, turn on her church music (that's what she falls asleep listening too) and then off to bed she goes.

Her Daddy has been working with her on when it is time to pray how to fold her hands and bow her head. So after she mastered that I started working on...at the end of the prayer you say AMEN! So incase you could'nt understand her, that is what she said...MAMEN...translation Amen!

Last night when her and I sat down for dinner, I said ok Jolee lets say the prayer. So she folded her hands and bowed her head. Then after I said Amen I started eating, well clearly she wasnt thru praying. She looked at me out of the corner of her eye, while her head was still bowed and said Mommy pay (that's how she says pray). So I folded my hands and bowed my head and we stayed like that for a good little bit and then she finally said...Mamen! I will admit I got pretty teary-eyed after that, it was just so sweet!

**On another note Aunt Pam has started a blog, so we can see and keep up with baby Weston as he grows, that is if he ever decides to come out. Yes, that's right he is still not here, but looks like we are getting closer, her actual due-date is tomorrow, so we shall see! Aunt Pam's blog is http://www.threescompanyplusone.blogspot.com/ stop on by and wish her happy thoughts, you know she needs them at this point in the pregnancy!**

February 20, 2008
We've been Partying!
Last Saturday we went to Matthew (a little boy from our church) 1st birthday party! We all had a great time fellowshipping, watching the kiddo's play together, and ofcourse ate some good ole cake and ice cream! Jolee really enjoyed playing with his tricycle, I'm talking from the time we got there, till the time we left she was on that tricycle. Not caring who was pushing her, just as long as she was getting pushed on it! It was a pretty cool bike I will give her that, it had a handle on it for a grown-up to push and steer and then when they get big enough the handle comes off and becomes a regular ole tricycle! Pretty Cool!

The Birthday Boy digging into his cake!

Emma playing with her blower thingy!

Looks as if Matthew is telling her about his tricycle and how it works!

Abby pushing Jolee on the tricycle (Im telling you she was on it the whole time, and loved it)

John Anthony helping Jolee play... pin the tire on the Tonka Truck.

Yesterday we went back over to Matthew's house to play and eat dinner with him and his family on his "pure day". And there again, Jolee had a blast! We had a wonderful supper and more good cake and icecream!

A picture of Jolee and her "Nina". Her real name is Dina, but Jolee calls her Nina, so it has stuck with us too! She kept Jolee several times last week, when I was so sick, and ever since then, she has not stopped talking about her Nina. Jolee will get in her car and say "bye-bye play with Nina"!

So Saturday it was the tricycle and last night it was the rocking horse. So instead of putting these things on her list for birthday's and whatever else, I just decided I would send her over to the Turner's to play! Thanks Brian and Beth for a wonderful party and supper!

February 15, 2008
Our Valentine's Day!
Isn't it funny how Valentine's Day changes after you have kids! It used to be romantic dinners, movies, you know that kinda thing. But this year and last year, it is the food court at the mall so you can have enough time at Build-A-Bear before Daddy has to go back to work. And you know what... I would'nt change it for the world. We took Jolee to Build-A-Bear last year, and so we thought we would do it again this year.
But dont worry about me, because my man took care of me also... He got up yesterday morning and cooked me heart shaped pancakes (how sweet is that) but here is the thing he had to go to the store and buy the stuff to cook first, then came back and cooked and when he woke me up to eat there were flowers on the table and a card at mine and Jolee's place setting!

The card Jolee got from her Daddy, was a singing card..."Just to see you smile"..And she loves it, she opens it and start's dancing, closes it, then opens it again and just bopps that head back and forth! The first time she opened it, her face was priceless, as if to say..Is this card singing to me?

She loved the Build-A-Bear store, she got so excited when she saw all those stuffed animals. And she knew the one she wanted, the first one she reached for is the one she came home with. It is a Pink Leopard Kitty! She kept meowing (maow, is how she says it) and holding it!

Silas even got different animals down to make sure that she was sure that was the one she definetely wanted. And she didnt change her mind, she stuck with the Pink Leopard Kitty!

This picture is Silas and Jolee talking about what was going to happen next. She was a little confused that she had to put the sample kitty back, and get one that had no stuffing in it. Well, when they started stuffing her kitty she lost it. She doesnt like loud noises at all, and I had totally forgotten that when they put stuffing in your animal the machines are pretty loud. She was scared to death! So after the stuffing and the machine's went off the screaming and crying stopped and she got her kitty back, and she was good to go again!

Me and Jolee giving her Pink Leopard Kitty a bath!

All 3 of us had such a great day being together! And she loves her kitty!

Jolee and Maow (that's what we named it)!

I said earlier that we did Buid-A-Bear last year and she was pretty young, so her Daddy and I picked out the Bear for her. Notice plain simple cute little bear. But this year she did it all herself! She picked out this Hot Pink Leopard Kitty! I do believe we have a DIVA on our hands.

And I cant leave out besides the Heart Shaped Pancakes, Flowers, Cards, and taking our daughter to Build-A-Bear to do somehting special for her, Silas also got me a gift certificate for a MASSAGE at a Spa!

Happy Valentine's Day!

February 13, 2008
A Day at the Park with my Friends!

Last week the Ferrell girl's came down for a playdate/spend the night party, and we had a BLAST! We enjoyed it so much, and the girls did such a great job all being together. There was lots of laughing, playing, talking, and ofcourse we ate some too! Oh and we all got naps (and by all, I mean us big girls too) Oh it was NICE! A fun relaxing day!

Emma or (Mema as Jolee calls her) and Jolee swinging at the park.

Jolee decided that day she was going to be a big girl like Abby and Emma evidently, because she took off, she started going down slides by herself, and climbing on things, and she is now talking up a storm. She definetely watches those girls, and tries to do just what they are doing. (I'm good with that, those girls are precious and good role models)

How sweet is that? Abby has always taken time to play and be so sweet to Jolee! Jolee loves Babby!

Girls, Bubbles, Baths, and Toys!

We fit in 1 more park, before they left the next day.

Jolee's new thing is wearing necklaces, she loves them! She will find one every morning and wear it all day, and if she finds more through out the day, she keeps adding them on. She found this one right before we walked out the door, and just had to wear it to the park to play. I'm afraid we have a true girly girl on our hands. Denim and Jewelry, baby!

When it came time for the girls to head home, Jolee cried and cried. Mema, Mema, is what she said as she was crying, So cute and sweet, she didn't want her friends to go. We had a wonderful time all being togehter, and we can't wait to do it again!

February 4, 2008
Anxiously Awaiting.....
Aunt Pam and Uncle JoJo are getting really, really close to holding their little buddle of joy. Yesterday, they spent the day in the hospital, she was having hard contractions like 5 minutes apart and they were big ones! After being monitered all day and receiving a shot to help with the pain she was sent home with some drugs to help her sleep, relax, and to labor on (I dont know who can relax when in labor, but whatever.) She was dialated 1cm as of yesterday, and was told she is in the early part of labor. She goes back to the Dr. tomorrow to get checked again. So its up in the air when that little boy will be making his grand appearance, but I guess we can say any day now, we could have a new member to the Roberts family. We are so excited and can't wait! Please keep Aunt Pam, Uncle JoJo, and baby Weston in your prayers, as the days/minutes draw neareer to his arrival, that everyone and everything will go well and be healthy.
( We Love you Aunt Pam and Uncle JoJo)

Last week I was doing some thinking (dangerous, I know) about how we were going to get Jolee to give up her passy. She only gets it at nap time and bed time now, but its getting time to give the poor thing up. We have said no later than turning 2! So that gives me about 4 months to come up with something clever. Well, I thought I had it covered. Here was my plan...

(You have to watch the video and find out the plan)

Ok, so plan A didnt go so well. Incase you could not hear her on the video my plan was this... I asked Jolee did she want to give her passy to baby Weston when he comes, because he will be a baby and he will need a passy, and since you are a big girl now you dont really need it any more. Her answer... umm No (the umm is like I will act like Im thinking about it, but no!) So we are still trying to talk her into and everyime I ask her about giving her passy to Weston she says..umm no mommy! My brother said great Tara, she is not going to want to come around Weston due to thinking he is going to take her passy away, and the more I think about it, if I have to drive to and from Bama when the baby decides to come instead of flying (due to the tickets being sky high! (get it, sky high, airplanes in the sky, I crack myself up sometimes) anyway, we may need that passy to make the trip with sanity! So we may just mail it to Weston when we get back, if she ever comes around to the idea!

Hope everyone has had a wonderful Monday, so far! Tomorrow we are so, so excited about the Ferrell girls coming. Amber and I always have a great time being together and talking and the girls always have a blast playing together. When I told Jolee that Abby and Emma were coming she said WOW Babby (that's how she says Abby) and we are still working on saying Emma! We love this family and feel very blessed to have them in our lives.
So no posting tomorrow, we will be having to much fun!

**Oh and Im not real sure why the video shows up twice, sorry**